Hi everyone.
The shop that serviced my bike ripped the bottom bracket sensor cable completely with no hope of repairing.
I got no reply from the support so far and I am looking for possible alternatives. On Ali I found some models but none of them is 100% match.
The one that is in my bike is 165mm has a flat 6 pin cable
This one looks correct but have a 5 pin cable and the 83/160 dimensions: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005006755079520.html
The other one has 6 pin and correct 83/165 dimensions but the cable is from the side and the claw is strange: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/33030138390.html
Anyone knows what actual sensor is used in RadCity 5 Plus and if it can be ordered online?
Kind regards.
Let me know how this works out,have thw same problem