Rad Power Bikes Owners Forum

Discussions by Rad Model => RadExpand => Topic started by: Ryan on July 09, 2024, 09:25:37 AM

Title: RadExpand 5 Plus Review
Post by: Ryan on July 09, 2024, 09:25:37 AM
Hopefully, this helps those considering the RadExpand 5 Plus. The RadExpand 5 (non-plus) was kind of a letdown for RadMini owners, particularly with the lack of suspension. With the RadExpand 5 Plus, they finally brought it back but the frame is largely the same as the original RadMini which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The frame is still accessible but you still have the external mounted components that many brands have gone away from. I think at the $2,099 price point there are clearly tons of other folding ebikes to consider but if you value a torque sensor, there are less options - at least from reputable brands.

On our review unit one of the blinkers did not work - Rad sent a replacement light but it turns out it is the controller. At least it should be easy to replace since it is externally mounted.

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Here's my pros and cons list after putting some decent mileage on the RadExpand 5 Plus.

Title: Re: RadExpand 5 Plus Review
Post by: radex5owner on July 13, 2024, 09:03:01 AM
Wow, what an upgrade.  I'm glad to see it.  Do you think that as I have a Radexpand 5 that I could buy from Rad (or someone else) a front suspension folk system that would fit my Radexpand 5?
I see with in days of your review Ryan, Rad jack up the price (just like they did with the original 5).