I have a 2018 rad runner. Had no power to anything other than battery to controller. Replaced controller and led display. Original eguipment. Now when press display to turn on power battery led and pas led just flash once and nothing else. Wondering how to proceed from this point.
check the battery cradle. you might have melted wiring.
Ok! Thanks will do.
Wiring looks ok. Could rad have given me a controller and display that are not compatable. Wires all plug in fine.
Can I unplug all connections except in going to the display. Should it turn on? Wondering if a short somewhere. If display turns on then start plugging connectors back together see whitch one causes the problem. Does this sound reasonable.
You can unplug the lights and the brake disengage wiring.
The other wiring will be motor, peddle assist and then the display.
The first 2 no problem.
So yes then try unplugging everything but the LED. If it comes on then plug in the motor and peddle assist sensor and see if it powers on. If this works then use the bike, knowing to be careful with the brake disengage as the motor will not shut off immediately.
It could be the wiring harness you don't see; it might have a nick or another wiring issue.
I am thinking if it wasn't the battery cradle it may mean your controller has gone out. But try the above first and go from there.
I naught a new controller and display. I found the problem circuirt. Unplugged the taillight and display came on. Thanks unplugging circuits one at time until problem solved seems the route to go. Thanks again.
I have a 2018 rad runner. Back tire only will roll frontwards jams tight going backwards. Brakes are good. I suspect bad motor. Not sure how to test. Do not want to use with new controller until I know is good. Do not want to burn up controller again.
Quote from: Collie58 on July 24, 2024, 01:22:06 PMI have a 2018 rad runner. Back tire only will roll frontwards jams tight going backwards. Brakes are good. I suspect bad motor. Not sure how to test. Do not want to use with new controller until I know is good. Do not want to burn up controller again.
Interesting. Does it do this with the rear brakes unplugged?
Quote from: inoxa on July 25, 2024, 11:19:30 AMQuote from: Collie58 on July 24, 2024, 01:22:06 PMI have a 2018 rad runner. Back tire only will roll frontwards jams tight going backwards. Brakes are good. I suspect bad motor. Not sure how to test. Do not want to use with new controller until I know is good. Do not want to burn up controller again.
Interesting. Does it do this with the rear brakes unplugged?
Quote from: inoxa on July 25, 2024, 11:19:30 AMQuote from: Collie58 on July 24, 2024, 01:22:06 PMI have a 2018 rad runner. Back tire only will roll frontwards jams tight going backwards. Brakes are good. I suspect bad motor. Not sure how to test. Do not want to use with new controller until I know is good. Do not want to burn up controller again.
Interesting. Does it do this with the rear brakes unplugged?
Yes! Mechanical disc brakes. I believe pulling the brake lever cuts power to motor. Wheel should still roll back or forward with brake lever disingaged.
Well it is probably an internal motor problem like a gear is stuck or broken. It is a pain in the butt to open but it is a DYI project.
Takes a special screwdriver to fit the screws.
Anyway remove the motor housing on the flywheel side. Of course you have to take off the bike.
Place the wheel on (2) 4x4s to protect the motor and to keep it from rocking back and forth.
Open the motor and see if anything is damaged. you can put your fingers in there or a screwdriver to see if things move freely both directions.
Good luck. it can be a messy job.
Took motor apart. Appears to be bad. Took gears off put back in housing. Plugged motor in does not run. Does anyone know what a new wheel and motor from rad will cost. Do not want to relace wheel. Thanks again for the help.
you only have to replace the part you pulled out (motor). Should be less than $200 for a new one.
Check AREA13 they should have stock.
While you are at it you might consider replacing the controller too and then upgrade the motor.
The controller will come with a color screen. The controller will had torque and speed.
Area13 is great at communication. Check to make sure they have stock for your model.
Thanks. Decided to take a step further. Magnets apearrd to be rusted to stator. Also wanted to check bearings. Got a gear puller to pull it apart. Was completely rusted also had one bearing seized. Replaced bearings 20.00 dollars. Cleaned up the rust ( dremal tool). Put back together. Seems to work fine. Thanks for the help. Back tire from rad would be 300.00 but was out of stock. They could not tell me when would be back in stock. Motor from arra 23 was also about that price. Thanks for the help.
Sorry area 13
Also want to thank radguru1234 who posted a video about how to take motor apart. Gave me the confidence to take on the job.
thanks for the update. glad you are going again.
for it to rust it had to be exposed to moisture. were you riding in lots of water?
Yes caught in rain last fall. Then put away for the winter. Lesson learned.