Rad Power Bikes Owners Forum

Rad Power Bikes Chat => General Chat => Topic started by: jkdefran on August 07, 2024, 08:38:42 AM

Title: Helmet straps
Post by: jkdefran on August 07, 2024, 08:38:42 AM
Hi there!  I'm a newbie both to riding and this forum.  I recently bought my first helmet, it's a Specialized.  The problem I'm having is that you have to pinch the buckle to take it off and I have torn tendons in both of my thumbs!  Does anyone know of some kind of adapter so that I can change it to one of those buckles that you just push on the center to release it?  I hate to tear apart a new helmet to change out straps. Many thanks, Julie
Title: Re: Helmet straps
Post by: Naranja_CT5+ on August 07, 2024, 03:17:15 PM
Amazon has conversion kits: https://amzn.to/47rf4y6

There is one company that uses magnets called Freetown (https://www.freetowngear.com/all-helmets-new). I have seen them at Costco Canada but it was not the magnetic type.