First time posting.
I have a Radrunner 2 purchased in 2021. I have no power from my motor and the rear tire will not spin backwards. The bike has a new controller from Rad and that works fine. Tested it on other Radrunner 2.
I live in Key West and I'm guessing between the salty air, heavy rain, and sometimes slightly flooded streets, the motor is seized up. I'm looking for a replacement without much luck.
Any suggestions on where I can find a replacement? Area 13 says their 750 Bafang is not compatible.
Thanks for any help!
If you upgrade the motor from area13, you can also upgrade the controller for it to work. They usually carry them both.
Maybe it just needs to be cracked open to see if the gears have movement. May be full of water. May be corroded. May need to dry it out. May need more grease.
It takes a special star type fitting to open the motor. I think I picked mine up at Lowes for about $14 a few years ago.
I had a similar issue. Took motor out of casing. Could see was very rusty. Stator seized to the rotor. Will need a gear puller to pull the rotor out of the stator. Magnets are very strong. Cleaned up good. Used a dermal tool. Also check bearings. Mine had a seized bearing. New motor from rad about 300. You will get motor and wheel already laced ready to go. Can find on eBay also. Have to be carefull are getting right motor.