I too just received my Radrunner 1 bike. I love the bike but I had a problem installing the center console. I could not get two of the 4 allen screws out. The two that came out with the provided allen wrench took a lot of force, the other two just stripped. Eventually I had to have my son-in-law use a pair of pliers to get them out. He had to grip it will a very strong grip before he could turn it and get them out. Unfortunately I did not love the center console after all that; my legs would occasionally run on it as I pedaled. Not enough rubbing to make it super irritable but enough not to like it very much. Plus it made it hard to get onto the bike as I am not very flexible. I really liked the passenger package rear seat because I can give rides around my yard with my grandson, which makes it work it by itself. The downside is now I have to find where to put a basket or bag or something to carry stuff at some point in time. The only complaint is squeaky rear brakes but I am supposed to drive it 25 miles or so before attempting any adjustment. Another purchase I made was a timer for the power socket so I don' t mistakelnly leave the battery plugged in for more than 12 hours.. Another problem I had was installing the ABUS Bordo Granit bike lock holder. I installed it vertically on the bar below the seat but the straps where a pain to thread through as instructed (then again, I am very mechanically challenged . Riding the bike is lots of fun, no regrets purchasing it. I have a bike rack but unfortunately it is not for step through bikes. Don't know if those attachable crossbars for step through bikes is strong enough to hold it on my thule bike rack.