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Messages - rpwbike

Service & Repair / Monthly Battery Balancing
May 30, 2021, 05:36:18 AM
Looking through the manual for my Rad City, I notice it says I should balance the battery every month (or 250-750 miles).... seems like a lot.  How many Rad Owners actually do this?
Service & Repair / Power Surge?
May 21, 2021, 05:32:02 PM
Got my RadCity on May 12th, have put 45 miles on it so far.  Twice now, when I am cruising along (about 10 mph, steady pedaling in 3rd gear, no PAS), I will get a half second or so power surge from the motor that pushes me forward.  After the first time, I thought maybe I had somehow engaged the throttle, so when it happened the second time, my right hand was for sure not touching the throttle..........

Any ideas on the cause of this 'surge'?
General Chat / Throttle and pedaling
May 15, 2021, 09:10:16 AM
Probably a silly question, but if I use the throttle, is it harmful to the bike/motor of my RadCity 4 to pedal at the same time?  I am assuming the answer is no, but just wanted to be sure.
Thanks to all, I appreciate the feedback.  I bought a torque wrench, might as well do it right.
Thanks RadJohn!  Good info!  Agree with you, there will be times when I run the battery down to (close to) 0%.  That should not be a problem. 

Like you, I will be curious to see how many miles I can go before exhausting the battery.  And then I will attempt to beat that number!  LOL.
I plan to buy a 1/4 inch torque wrench to assemble my bikes properly, although I am tempted to put it together with just normal allen wrenches.

Curious how many people assembled their bike just using regular allen wrenches?
How To Information / How to maximize Battery Life
May 03, 2021, 04:48:11 PM
Hi all.  Have ordered a Rad Commuter Bike for myself, and a Rad Step Thru Mini for my wife.  My bike should be arriving within the week.  So I have been watching videos, trying to learn how to care for my bike and maximize the enjoyment of riding it.
Several videos I have watched mention some interesting ways to maximize battery life and range. 

Maybe some of you have had experiences that can shed some light on these tips.

The most interesting tips I have seen regarding battery charging and extending its life (and the ones I am unsure about) are-

1) Don't charge your battery to 100%, but rather stop at 80% or so.

2) Don't charge your battery immediately after using/discharging it.  Wait an hour or so for the battery to 'rest/cool down', then charge it.

3) If you are going to store your battery for a few weeks or longer, don't store it at 100%, but rather 60%.

I welcome all constructive comments/experiences.

Other tips I have seen/read about Lithium Batteries-

Keep away from extreme temperatures.
Don't keep charging it once it reaches 100%.
Slow charging better than fast charging, as heat is minimized.
Don't allow your battery to get soaking wet or submerged in water.
Don't run the battery down to close to 0% before charging it.

Thanks, good stuff!
General Chat / Re: Rad Security
May 03, 2021, 10:23:06 AM
Quote from: roper on April 28, 2021, 06:32:59 AM
For my RadWagon4 I found this lock in my local bike shop - Texlock Eyelet. It's a mix of textile and cable lock that's supposedly cut resistant due to the mix of materials (as bolt cutters aren't really sharp and angle grinders get tangled up in the textile shell). Due to its ability to loop one end through the other, you get a lot of reach with it to wrap it around stationary items. It wraps nicely around the caboose so I can keep it on the bike at all times without having to take off the loop or having to put it in any bag.

As a bonus, it's also made in the city I live in - Leipzig, Germany. So it's really a local product, but from what I understand they also ship it internationally.

I have the large version with the mini U lock.

Apart from that, I always look the front wheel to the frame with a large Abus U lock with their security grade 15 (maximum) and also have an Abus 110cm folding lock. I don't use as much anymore since I got the Texlock as it's much more difficult with it to reach around stuff, but I always use it at home in our yard to attach the back wheel to my Texlock overnight. Even though we have a large gate, there's already a few bikes that were stolen and they also once took my RW seatpost+saddle, which sat me back 120 EUR or so to get a replacement. Now I secured the seatpost with the Pinheadlocks system.

Hi,I looked at the Tex-lock.. Not to be negative, but what is to prevent someone from just cutting the end loop(s) and taking off the lock?
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