Our 45 lb. daughter has outgrown the Yepp child seat and we're considering getting a kid bike and a tow bar that attaches to a bike's seat post (or a dedicated "kids tow bike" that also attaches to the adult bike seat post).
Anyone doing anything like that with the City We're also considering the Mission, but not sure whether the Mission has a strong enough motor to be able to do that, or whether we need to go with a model with a stronger motor, like the City 4. I'm 160 lbs. so there should be extra capacity with either one, but we do live in an area with hills.
Rad won't make any recommendations for liability reasons...
Thanks for any advice!
Anyone doing anything like that with the City We're also considering the Mission, but not sure whether the Mission has a strong enough motor to be able to do that, or whether we need to go with a model with a stronger motor, like the City 4. I'm 160 lbs. so there should be extra capacity with either one, but we do live in an area with hills.
Rad won't make any recommendations for liability reasons...
Thanks for any advice!