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Messages - garvie

How old is your bike? If it is under warranty, I would not crack open that battery and contact RadPower instead. Once you get a replacement, then fiddle around with it :)

my bike is really new, less than 2 months old when the problems started. It seemed so random at first, that not sure I have been able to convince Rad that the problem is the battery. Anyway, was just asking if hypothetically it is something I might repair, since so far, it is not clear whether Rad intends to replace the battery.  my fingers are crossed.
I also have a Rad City battery that dies suddenly and completely when I am riding. Yet it does not take as long to fully recharge as it did when it was truly empty (so maybe it is not really dying??). Also it always seems to die after about the same amount of energy has been used... about 2 bars' worth, then POOF my pedal assist is kaput.

I have tried rebalancing the battery, replaced the fuses, checked my connections and talked to rad a few times. If it is the BMS, is replacing it the kind of job I could do by myself?

any other advice on what the problem might be is welcome. bike looks, acts and rides as before until very suddenly and with no warning, all power is switched off and the battery bars drop to empty.
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