We've had the controllers go out on both our City Five stepthrus, at about five months of occassional riding. Luckily they had them in stock, and shipped* them immediately. Now minevappears to be glitching again, three times, days apart, I ve had a dead start. Displays working, but no motor power. Each time it's reset itself, or whateverthehell it does, but Incringe avery time I take that first stroke or twist the throttle.
* Rad will not ship OR MAIL to Hawaii or Alaska. So they US Mail to my daughter in Oakland, and she has to forward. Come'on Rad, we're part of the US, 96740 ... see, ZIP code and everything, no extra fees, we speak American. What's with you guys anyhow?
* Rad will not ship OR MAIL to Hawaii or Alaska. So they US Mail to my daughter in Oakland, and she has to forward. Come'on Rad, we're part of the US, 96740 ... see, ZIP code and everything, no extra fees, we speak American. What's with you guys anyhow?