The Bafang M155 motor on my 5+ failed about a year ago on me - after 3800 miles - I use it each day to commute a little over 30 miles round trip to work each nice weather day. It was a hall effect sensor. I have not been able to find a replacement motor assembly because I believe, like others have written, that the motor is proprietary to Rad even though it is built by Bafang. The design of this motor assembly is unlike most others, the motor side of the assembly is on the left (brake) side and opposite the chain side. You can tell because that's the side where the motor cable comes out of the axle. The importance of this difference is that the motor cover is on the chain side and not the motor side. To remove the motor you have to remove the planetary ring, which is shrunk fit into the motor housing. I'm a decent diy mechanic, and a professional lives across the street; we did not have a three jaw puller between us that would work. So we built a custom puller but could not get the ring to budge. We believe the only way to get it off is to heat the housing so it expands and then, in conjunction, use the custom puller. But we worried what the heat would do to the housing and spoke butts. So I've unlaced the spokes from the motor housing hub and next step is to apply heat to just the hub. I'm in no rush though because I bought a replacement from Rad for $600. Even if I can get that planetary ring out I now have to re-lace the spokes into the rim and re-true the wheel. I would also have to chill, in dry ice, the planetary ring and try to accurately set it in the motor hub - not a trivial task. Or maybe I can just heat the hub up again to expand it. For me this has been a 4 hour job so far, and to re-lace the wheel and true it will be another 6 or so hours. I do like tinkering, but it's better for me to go to my job and earn the money to pay Rad for a replacement wheel assembly rather than using my precious off time to replace a $3 hall effect sensor. My big takeaways are: never buy an e-bike with a proprietary motor and never buy an e-bike with a motor that is not removable through the hub cover - unless you are willing to accept that the motor can't be replaced.