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Messages - Zeno

Aha, can't ship to France? Bad luck...Still looking
Looking for replacement battery for RW4 in France. Anyone have one to sell? vmiCraig?
Service & Repair / Re: Radwagon Losing Power - HELP!!!
December 17, 2024, 10:16:02 AM
Any solution to this?
Service & Repair / Re: Error 30
November 26, 2021, 07:44:45 AM
Thought I'd unplugged everything, but the motor and throttle were still connected. And....Error 30!

At least now we can confirm it's down to the display & the connector.


Update: as of December 14th, I'm still awaiting a solution (i.e. parts) from Rad.
Service & Repair / Re: Error 30
November 26, 2021, 01:40:03 AM
Really grateful for you following up!

I hadn't unplugged the PAS cable (the orange Julet cable that connects to the controller, correct?) and just tested...

Still the Error 30, but another variable eliminated –does that mean it's down to the display or controller?
Service & Repair / Re: Error 30
November 25, 2021, 06:58:51 AM
Hey thanks for your message. The RW4 is the bike. After unplugging everything except the controller, am still getting the Error 30 message; does that mean the controller is the problem? Or the display or check both? The error message pops up about 20 seconds after powering on.
Service & Repair / Error 30
November 21, 2021, 05:54:29 AM
Hey all. Anyone happen to know an EU source for the wiring harness? [As it happened, after seven weeks they were able to send me one!] We hoped it was the solution to the Error 30 messages that pop up soon after powering on the bike. It wasn't.

Apart from removing the battery and checking ALL the connectors very carefully and reconnecting them, is there anything else to check? The bike's been out of commission for two months. It was great for the one month it worked!
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