I repaired the battery on my Rad City 5 Plus yesterday after accidentally touching the charging port with my key apparently shorted out the fuse. Rad wouldn't replace my battery under warranty because it was "customer error". Already ordered a new battery so I had nothing to lose by trying my repair.($560! - great way for Rad to make money since, from a brief scan of the internet, LOTS of people make this same expensive boo boo...). Anyway, watched a couple of youtube videos. I only needed to remove the charging port end of the battery to replace the 10 amp mini fuse. (You do not need remove both ends and slide the battery out as one video showed. That is extremely difficult.) You need a T10 screwdriver to remove the 4 screws from the charging end cover. Two at the bottom, two more under a plastic cover that must be removed. I pried it off with a putty knife. The fuse is located in the upper left corner of the exposed end of battery. Carefully cut the inner plastic to expose the top of the fuse, remove and replace the fuse, tape your small cut closed, screw the end cover of the battery back on. Mine works fine now.