I read the thread "did you use a torque wrench to assemble your bike" with interest and have purchased a 1/4 inch torque wrench set to assemble my RR6+ST soon. For the pedals, the instructions (video) say to tighten to exactly 35 nm using a 15mm wrench. I don't expect to change pedals often and there's a bike cooperative near me (1.5 miles) that allows people to come in and use tools there. Is it an OK idea to tighten the pedals at assembly time without a torque wrench ("snugly") and head (ride) to the co-op to borrow a pedal torque wrench to get the "exact" torque before riding extensively?? The warning on the video suggests some combo of plague, death, dismemberment and/or general unhappiness may occur if 35 nm of torque is not precisely achieved ;-). Thanks in advance for your advice.