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Messages - Kemalism

RadRover / Rad Rhino 6 PLUS weird sound rear motor
July 10, 2023, 05:48:58 AM
Hi Guys,

I am an owner of an RadRhino 6 Plus ( EU version ). Bought the bike 2 weeks ago. A friend of mine bought one, did 1 testdrive and i was sold and ordered one for myself.
Since the beginning a have a weird sound coming from the back (rear wheel). At a speed of 15 i get a weird tikking (like bells) sound that stops when i stop cycling.

In the beginning the sound was so now and then. Now i have it all the time.
We bought 3 Rad Rhino 6 PLus ( EU version ) and 2 of them have this issue. I called support and they told me they know about this problem and that it is not harmful for the bike. But i hear this sound the whole time. They should advert with that the bike comes with a sound, not that i should live with it.
There is no solution for me except for that they tell me it doesnt harm the bike. People on the street look at me when i drive by, not because of the great looks but the sound on it.
Does anyone know where this sound is coming from and what the solution is ?

Rad is pulling out of EU so I think i am practicly screwed when they leave me behind with problems and no support. The bike was on an extreme discount last week and now we know why. So sad I have to go through this. I saved for a year to buy an Ebike, it is hard earned money...

Please help me! Please... ( and a friend of mine ofcourse ).

General Chat / Re: RAD pulling out of Europe
July 10, 2023, 05:32:48 AM
So sad. Just bought my first Ebike with 2 other friends.
We bought the RadRhino 6plus.

Dont know what is going to happen right now with the service of the ebikes sold around Europe. Phil posted a message explaining it is because of the focus on NA. Why did you even start selling bikes in Europe knowing this was coming.
In Europe there are strict rules about using an ebike, I hope Rad is not just taking the easy way out because of this.
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