Quote from: Naranja_CT5+ on September 01, 2023, 08:01:28 AM
While awaiting for my bike to be delivered. I have been stalking this board for helpful information from people that have already experienced headaches. And from what I have read, the product is reliable enough mechanically. And most of the complaints are directed towards the electrical or software.
Which is fine by me. I am comfortable dealing with anything electrical/software.
I love mine, only issues I had was from a bad wreck. Tearing the hydraulic line just enough to need to bleed them all the time. I reached out to rad support and had an agent in a few minutes.
Been using mine to commute back and forth to work twice a week since summer. Only have about 300 miles on it but no signs of having any issues.
If you live on a 3rd floor apartment they are great for strength training as 80lbs is no light carry for a bike. .