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Messages - Hania

You should look for it in your local dealer shop; if not available there, then go for online stores.
Group Rides / Re: A different kind of group ride
December 25, 2023, 06:27:06 AM
Glad you completed your journey without any incident.
I was also part of a group ride in which members brought different bike types. I was on my BMW Vision AMBY electric bike. In the start, I thought that I would not be able to sync my speed with the group but later on the bike did well.
Pride & Joy / Re: Finally Found a Bridge
December 25, 2023, 03:40:29 AM
Glad you like your ride with your rad.
Rad Modifications / Re: Battery blender
December 25, 2023, 03:07:34 AM
As you know that both of them have same voltage than my suggestion to you is to go for the cheaper one.
General Chat / Re: Winter eyewear?
December 16, 2023, 06:53:22 AM
I prefer full-page helmet for ride during winter. So, you should also look for a full-face helmet. It would be very helpful in winters.
Pride & Joy / Re: New from Ontario Canada
December 12, 2023, 10:49:55 AM
Quote from: RadRandy on April 17, 2021, 05:15:34 AM
Wow I just want to say hello from Ontario Canada..Since I have bought these bikes I have ridden often, even the rain. Here are a couple of pics.
Hi there and welcome to the forum. Hopefully you are having good time.
Yeah, you are right. The article is pretty helpful.
General Chat / Re: NEW HERE !!!!
December 10, 2023, 08:51:07 AM
Hi there and welcome to the forum
I am also new here and I am very excited to be a part of the forum.
How To Information / Re: Tips for Washing your bike?
December 10, 2023, 06:58:32 AM
I think you should be careful about the electronics part of your bike when washing it.
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