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Messages - Dara

RadWagon / Re: increasing 250 watt Radwagon 4 to 350 watt
December 21, 2023, 05:36:04 AM
The Juin Tech hydraulic/cable brake system is a great idea. Didn't know this system existed. Will definitely look into it after I return my recent purchase of replacement hydraulic brakes. Thank you very much
RadWagon / Re: increasing 250 watt Radwagon 4 to 350 watt
December 14, 2023, 09:54:55 PM
Thank you for your reply. About the power I want to increase from 250 watts to 350 watts, not to decrease. I will consider more seriously the legal aspects in my attempts to improve things. Regards
RadWagon / increasing 250 watt Radwagon 4 to 350 watt
December 14, 2023, 06:32:15 AM
Hello all,

I have recently bought a radwagon 4 in France limited to 250 watts. With 2 kids and an uphill climb to school the bike suffers a bit and me too. I was wondering if I can change the settings to get a bit more torque like 350 watts.

Few more things,

** I've lost throttle response time (and sometimes no response) which is a big problem when I have to pedal after red light turns to green carrying two kids. I'm stuck in the middle of the intersection.
** Secondly does anyone know what "speed" is means when we go into the settings, there are different levels 1,2,3..
** I'm going to install hydraulic brakes but won't have the motor cutoff system. Will that be a problem?

Huge thanks for your time. Hope some you experienced rad owners can help me out.

Best Regards.... Dara
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