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Messages - Jbator

Hello, I had my RR6+ serviced by Veloflix as well, they did a great job but after this service I began to have motor power cutting out. I've traced it back to the rear brake lever, when it's unplugged it runs perfectly but when the sensor is connected it faults intermittently, is there a way to adjust this or just replace the brake lever?
Quote from: Altema on July 22, 2023, 10:54:38 AMI agree with Suspci, and the symptoms sound like a brake cutoff system. Disconnect both brake sensors from the levers and give it a try. Another way of checking is your brake light: It should come on when you squeeze each of the brake levers. If the brake light stays on when you are not pulling the brake levers, your brake cutoff sensors or their wiring is at fault. If the brake light does not work at all, this will also cause the pedal assist and throttle to not work. Disconnect the taillight to diagnose this. A blown taillight/brakelight makes the controller think the brakes are on.
THANKS this was my issue, right brake sensor was causing the bike to drop power, I unplugged it and it works fine now, however, how does one repair this issue?
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