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Messages - Adriano

Hi friends ! The semintegrated battery have a hide inside fuse who can be blow because of the wrong battery charging secvence . The good charging secvence is : Plug the battery in the charger and the charger to the outlet . When its full charge remove the charger from outlet and after unplug the battery from the charger !!! Anyway if you screw up that strange rule you need to fix youself the blow fuse of 10 amp by replacing . Remove the screw of both extremitys of the battery by removing 2 plastic covers , cut the black silicone who keep the battery steady after pull the battery to one side ( the charging light side ) to have acces to fuse ! Also you need a soldering gun to remove the old fuse ! Extract the old fuse and replace with the new one ! Problem fix cong you gest save 900$ !!!!😂😂😂🤣
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