Came here hoping to find an answer to a similar question. I started a rather cold weather ride a few days ago and the motor just stopped about three blocks from my house. Battery at 80%, all wires connected. No idea what happened.
I do store my bike in an unheated garage most of the time, so I figured it might be due to cold. This has never been an issue in the past, however. I fired it up after a few days in the house, and the motor seems to work fine. Still wondering, as I don't want to get stranded on my 13+ miles commute on mostly rural roads.
I do store my bike in an unheated garage most of the time, so I figured it might be due to cold. This has never been an issue in the past, however. I fired it up after a few days in the house, and the motor seems to work fine. Still wondering, as I don't want to get stranded on my 13+ miles commute on mostly rural roads.