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Is Rad Going Out of Business

Started by Amocat07, May 02, 2023, 08:59:44 AM

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I got through with chat a couple of times recently but it's been painful.  Literally waiting (currently) for 1 hr 20 min and no response on chat.  Not taking phone calls.  No replies to 2 emails I sent 3 days ago.  Not a good feeling for someone who looked at Youtube videos from a year ago and saw nothing but positives about RAD's customer service only to purchase a bike recently, have problems and be largely left stranded.  I didn't find the more current and candid info about failing customer service on the Rad Owners Forum until after I had ordered my bike.



Well I received my 5 city+ on June 3 and after a 10 min ride it died with error 21. Took it to a RAD certified repair shop and after a 1+ month wait they sent bad parts which resulted in error 30. Now August 17still waiting on parts to replace the parts that sent the first time. This is what RAD calls customer service???


My timing was impeccable. I just joined this forum after I have put my order through a week ago. Still waiting for my bike to arrive. Have I made a wrong move purchasing a RAD bike?
Literally is LITERALLY the most annoying word of the decade.


Quote from: Naranja_CT5+ on August 27, 2023, 04:22:30 AM
My timing was impeccable. I just joined this forum after I have put my order through a week ago. Still waiting for my bike to arrive. Have I made a wrong move purchasing a RAD bike?

Hopefully not.  Rad does/did have good bikes.  They are going through some growth problems.  I am sure they will be back on track after they repair their current issues.  I have a Rad Rover 5 and received Feb 2020 just as Covid hit and have only had just normal maintenance issues as everyone will.  Not every buyer has Rad issues.  Hopefully you will the majority with an excellent bike. 


Quote from: Amocat07 on May 02, 2023, 08:59:44 AM
I live in North Idaho and have tried calling customer support for the past 6 days,  including every dealer in North America, tried their chat line, e-mail and anything else I can think of, to no avail.  Has anyone actually gotten through and talked to live person?    I know there have been a lot of layoffs over the past year, do I need to drive to Seattle to get any help?

I ordered some parts mid- august , in part because I didn?t want to be caught if they?re in trouble.

I got my order in about a week or 10 days, ahead of schedule.

Maybe they?re gonna work it out. I hope so.  I love  my mini

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