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Cheaper alternative to Tannus Armour in less than 10 USD

Started by bhargavh18, September 29, 2021, 07:27:06 AM

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Would you be interested watch a video of installing Tannus Armour alternative tire inserts in Radmini 4 tires?

Yes, I already have seen videos of others doing it on non Electric bikes
0 (0%)
no, we already know about it.
0 (0%)
Yes , I would be interested to see it
2 (100%)
No, I got money in the bank to buy Tannus
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2

Voting closed: October 09, 2021, 07:27:06 AM


I just installed a cheap alternative to Tannus Armour tire inserts for puncture protection on my Radmini4 E bike. I have had the bike for 3 days and I already installed it on my front tire. It was fairly easy and the feeling of saving 120 USD straight up was just super satisfying. I am planning on installing it also on my rear tire and was thinking maybe I should make a video since there wasn't many when I looked them up on Youtube. How many of you would like to see something like this?


I would like to see a video I'd also like to know more about this alternative to Tannus

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk


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