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RAD pulling out of Europe

Started by Muskie1, July 10, 2023, 05:21:11 AM

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So sad. Just bought my first Ebike with 2 other friends.
We bought the RadRhino 6plus.

Dont know what is going to happen right now with the service of the ebikes sold around Europe. Phil posted a message explaining it is because of the focus on NA. Why did you even start selling bikes in Europe knowing this was coming.
In Europe there are strict rules about using an ebike, I hope Rad is not just taking the easy way out because of this.


Just got the email this morning 'We are sad to say goodbye'

The two year warranty on my RadfRhino 6 + is up next month, so I'd be on my own anyway, they are knocking off €600 off the RadfRhino 6 + and €570 off the RadCity 5 + bit of a bargain there, obviously getting rid of existing stock, although I'd say the support would be pretty lacking to say the least.

Oh well goodby to RadPower bikes in the EU.


Thanks for sharing. Bummer to see, when we were in the Netherlands last year I saw a decent number of Rad's out in the wild. I feel for all of the Rad owners in Europe.


SO we are going to get spare parts from US?


Quote from: Bebetos on July 10, 2023, 06:58:09 AM
SO we are going to get spare parts from US?

When I bought a Radrunner, I ordered a front rack with it, and I later ordered fenders. I ordered my Radmission with fenders, front rack, rear rack, and LCD display.

I've put a lot of parts on both bikes, including better controllers and displays. Only one part came from Radpower. I stripped the head of the special aluminum screw on the Radrunner chain tensioner because, in my view, it was badly designed. I paid Radrunner for their redesigned tensioner.

When defective spokes began breaking on my Radrunner, I contacted Radpower because if one more spoke broke, I'd be without transportation. By the time they answered, replacement spokes had arrived from China. I think maybe generic parts from European vendors will fix you most of the time.


I am also UK / Portugal based.
I bought my first Rad Rhino 6 Plus last year ( 2022) on the strength of all the superb reviews on YouTube.  There was no suggestion RAD might even be considering leaving the EU/UK market.

I am still considering ( lets be honest : we all like a juicy discount ! ) buying another RadRhino6Plus for use in Oxford.
Obviously the main consideration would be future maintenance and repairs  ( no, I can't change a tyre and have to pay someone to even assemble the bike and its panniers and so on in the first place ).
Here's the thing : I  emailed an ebike  store in Oxford  ( part of a nationwide chain with stores in about half a dozen English cities ) to suggest to them that they might like to consider contacting RAD offering to be an official  RAD depot for future imports / maintenance etc......
They replied to me stating that they had ALREADY  done this  ~attempting to link up with RAD, and had received  reply basically giving them the brush off with no explanation as to why.
I cannot see why a responsible company  ( which RAD has the reputation of being, at least in the States )  would not want to ensure that loyal customers in the UK  continue to have maintenance and support and future spare parts via long established e~bike companies  such as the one I mentioned in Oxford.
Doesn't make sense to me.
Thoughts ?
How many RAD owners in the UK are there anyway ?


Quote from: Rhys on August 01, 2023, 12:07:18 AM

I bought my first Rad Rhino 6 Plus last year ( 2022) on the strength of all the superb reviews on YouTube.

I am still considering ( lets be honest : we all like a juicy discount ! ) buying another RadRhino6Plus for use in Oxford.

Obviously the main consideration would be future maintenance and repairs  ( no, I can't change a tyre and have to pay someone to even assemble the bike and its panniers and so on in the first place ).

They replied to me stating that they had ALREADY  done this  ~attempting to link up with RAD, and had received  reply basically giving them the brush off with no explanation as to why.

I bought a Radrunner on the strength of a 2020 Electric Bike Reviews video which the Radpower founder helped make. It was advertised at 750 watts and 80 newton meters. Mine produced only 500 watts and 53 newton meters. I went back to the video, where the editor passed two other Radrunners. He wasn't pedaling, and they were. He had stated his weight, so I knew the gross weight. I knew the grade from the roof line of a house along the street. I knew his speed by the cadence of the riders he passed. His motor was producing at least 2,000 watts. The bike they demonstrated was not the one they were selling.

The editor said he had let air out of the tires for comfort, but he didn't say his pressure. The CEO also said he rode with low pressure: 18 PSI. He gave the editor a ride. Both had given their weights, so I knew the bike was overloaded. I received my Radrunner with a printed warning that it would be unsafe to ride with more or less than the pressure on the  sidewall. Nowhere did it state that pressure. It took me a year to find it on the sidewall because a white stripe obscured it: 30 PSI.

The CEO had overloaded the bike and ridden with pressure 40% below the minimum for safety at any weight. This company didn't care about truth or safety. What's more, the Radrunner had a terrible rider position for pedaling, handling, or comfort on bumps. Improvement required big changes.

Quick-release front wheels are to me an example of the company's indifference. They were invented for racing, where every second counted. For a consumer, I think it's slower because it's trickier. It's definitely more dangerous. With a conventional axle, you can secure one side at a time, then tighten the nuts to be sure they won't come loose. I'd been carefully putting on Radpower quick-disconnect wheels for two years when one morning I noticed play in the front wheel. The quick-disconnect had loosened because of a stainless steel washer. It didn't belong there, but that's how the assembly had come.

The company disgusted me, but I grabbed a Radmission for $500 last year. Unlike the Radrunner, it has a fairly standard frame and rims, so I could expect to make necessary improvements and repairs without Radpower.

If they suddenly cut all business ties with Europe, I think it's because they were in legal jeopardy from European regulators regarding safety, quality, or advertising laws.

That's not a problem in America, where robber barons took over the industry in the 19th Century. Here, a bicycle is considered a toy. If a rider gets killed, it's assumed to be his fault for playing irresponsibly.


I am not surprise. RadPower has a very poor costumer services. It takes the a long time to respond unless yiu are buying. Also, they pretend to investigate your issue just to tell you that based on the photos, it is your fault and not the item. I had a bad experience with the battery which was jour a year old and only 1300 miles. The battery suddenly stopped charging with no warning. RadPower response was that I ws responsible and indirectly blamed me for not taking care of the battery. 


Quote from: JARE on August 11, 2023, 10:09:57 AM
I had a bad experience with the battery which was jour a year old and only 1300 miles. The battery suddenly stopped charging with no warning. RadPower response was that I ws responsible and indirectly blamed me for not taking care of the battery.

If the battery suddenly stopped working, a fuse might fix it.


If any of you local UK owners are looking for a battery for a Rad RHINO 5, Ive got one, as I shipped my bike to the states but they wouldnt allow me to ship the battery due to being a lithium.  Will sell for 200 USD or 150 GBP.

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