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Bike shop resistance to working on Rad Power bikes

Started by mtblair, March 11, 2022, 04:15:27 PM

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Last weekend I stopped by one of the largest bike shops in the Seattle area to look at locks. I asked if I could bring my Rad Mini in for a safety inspection. The guy was pretty wishy-washy about it and said that they couldn't work on the Rad Power components. I asked if they worked on bikes and he said "Of course". I then said, so my Rad Mini is at least 85% bicycle. Does that count? He told me to bring it in for an "estimate". Did not instill confidence in me.
Owner of a Rad Power Mini Step-Through 2


Seems pretty snotty, but at least in Seattle you've got Rad HQ's store/shop available to you.

In my fairly small town a few dozen miles west of you, we have at least three bike shops; one of which's owner I've known for 25 years and he used to be a customer of mine as well.  He was happy to do a checkout and test of my new Mini last year, is happy to work on all the bikey parts, was interested in me referring his shop to Rad as an authorized service shop (don't know if he has that or not; keep meaning to follow up) and had assembled 3 Rads (two of them Minis) for other customers the previous week.  He carries no e-bikes at this point, it's a tiny and busy shop, tucked away behind other buildings and out of sight, but he's in business and always happy to get more of it if possible.  Good man, with good employees.

Seattle, eh?  I can picture that encounter; did the guy look like this?
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


I've seen the "We don't work on e-bikes" attitude. I used to build bikes, and aside from the battery, controller, and motor, the rest of a Rad is pretty standard. If you're not asking them to work on the electric parts, it should be a moot point.


Quote from: JimInPT on March 11, 2022, 07:50:56 PM
Seattle, eh?  I can picture that encounter; did the guy look like this?

Actually it was an older guy, clean-shaven and well-dressed. The kind of guy I'd expect to see in Trader Joes or Whole Foods.  :)

There are a couple small bike shops near me like you described that I will investigate. I'll post what my experience is with them.
Owner of a Rad Power Mini Step-Through 2


Yes, All the best bike shops here in Santa Cruz won't touch a Rad, Only 2 shops here will work on the Rads, And they are the 2 worst in Santa Cruz, Will never go back to those 2 shops again.


i just bought our RR6+ here at the Rad Power Bikes shop in Holland.
I liv in Belgium and my local bikeshop/mechanic told me is not a problem to bring the bikes for maintenance , and if there where parts to replace , i could order them online and bring the parts to him.
That's what i call service.

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