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Clanking sound

Started by Steved, July 19, 2023, 08:39:14 AM

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Sent this email to Rad on7/10, no response. Maybe I can get help here.

I own two rad runner plus bikes, we haven?t used often. We have begun to use them more. One has 70 miles and the other 30 miles.  I have always heard a clanking noise when pedaling on both bikes while in pedal assist modes. I push the pedal and it feels like a free flow then clank and assist kicks in. I noticed it more on a 10 mile ride this past weekend, because others around me asked why it was doing that. So with each time I pedal, this happens. The bikes were put together by a professional bike repair shop. Now I?m realizing I don?t think this is normal. What do I adjust or do to fix the problem?


Does it happen when you use the throttle instead of pedaling?



Is it the same with all levels of PAS? Does the clanking sync with crank rotation?

Chain tension would be minimal with the pedals about 6 an 12 o'clock. PAS might reduce the tension even more. If the tensioner isn't doing its job, I guess that could allow the top run of chain to whip up and down, clanking on the chain stay. If padding on the chain stay (wrapped or taped) stopped the clanking, I guess that would prove it.

Maybe the mechanic didn't understand this kind of tensioner, or maybe the springs need adjustment.

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