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Charge your battery and dont worry

Started by hbanquer, June 22, 2021, 02:04:54 AM

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I have taken a standard wind up timer switch available from Amazon for about $20.00. I put this in a plastic electrical box with a cover. Then wired this into an extension cord. The timer is max 12 hours so it can be used to condition / balance the batteries when required. I then set the timer based on experience and using the charging time chart in the RadWagon manual.

Using this simple timing box (switch) I can set the charging time and if I fall asleep not worry about charging the battery(s) over 12 hours. It is simple, plain vanilla and easy to set. If the power goes out its not a programable switch so no worries. Also this is way cheaper than alternative chargers and Rad recommends only using their charger anyway. So you use their charger just are able to set the charge time.

Switch $20
Extension cord* $24 (good quality, illuminated ends and orange cord - so easy to see)
Plastic electrical box and cover $10.00
*I like the extension cords where the ends light up so you know there is power to the plug (M) end then when there is power to the receptical (F) end.

Hope this helps anyone worried about charging their battery too long.
Max charge (normally) time is 7 hours.
The battery has 4 level lights and the Red display has 5 bars so based on approximate percentages you can make up a charge chart.
Using miles, as Rad does, I do not agree with because how much assist or power was used in the miles travelled? I just use the bars on the display and the lights on the battery. Do the math and then track what you did (charge time). Was the timer on enough time or do you need more time. With the Rad charger even if the light goes green it should be OK if you charge 1 hour more but never over 12 hours.

Also you dont know if you are at the beginning or end of a bar(5 levels) or light (4 lights on battery with push button) but you can be close enough and fine tune this based on your actual experience.

Yes you can just set your phone timer etc. but my phone battery is often dead by the end of the day or I left it somewhere. This cord and box is where I park and secure the bike(s) and can easily be taken along if I will need to charge my bike on a trip or weekend ride.


If battery and charger are working, you can't charge your battery too long.

I know what Rad advises in their Owner's Manual, but no harm will come if you leave your charger on longer than Rad advises.

Why does Rad advise disconnecting the charger promptly? From the Rad website:

Note: The charger is designed to automatically stop charging when the battery is full, but unnecessary wear of the charging components could occur if the charger is left attached to the battery and a power source for longer than 12 hours. Detach the charger as soon as possible once the green light indicates a complete charge, to avoid unnecessary wear of charging components.

Personally, I think the concern over "unnecessary wear of the charging components" is unwarranted. There is no fan to wear out; only electrical components are active.  Your television and microwave have always "on" components to respond to your remote control or the touch buttons. There is no need to unplug these devices when not in use.

If there is a lightning storm, there is a very small chance that your home could be struck by lightning, and a very small chance that your TV could be damaged. Do you unplug your TV whenever it storms? Yes, if the battery's BMS or the charger fails, there could be damage. Unplugging the charger would prevent that. Certainly no harm and a tiny benefit in what you are doing. But in my opinion not necessary.

BTW a digital programmable countdown switch with internal battery backup is a simpler and less expensive device than your setup.


You are not the first person to point this out!
Just shows you the era I am in (wind-up timer)!
Just like things simple. Thank you though for pointing this out.

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