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Thinking of Buying a RadRunner Plus... Existing/Previous Owners: Input Please?

Started by Jay-Ryan, February 14, 2022, 09:08:48 AM

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Quote from: Veggyhed on February 15, 2022, 04:51:38 AM
After posting that I have some more thoughts on the handlebars and stem which may be controversial.

The long stem on the mini does not lead itself to stability and precision of maneuvering the bike when compared to the runner plus which has a conventional stem length.
I have observed when allowing others to ride my bike they appear a little wobbly when first using the long stemmed mini.
If you look at conventional geometry such as road bikes and mountain bikes they have very short stems for precision control.
Currently my headset on the mini needs to be rebuilt and I think this is due to the stem being so long.

Do you know if I can just buy a stem from Amazon and replace the stock folding stem?  It has been a while since I replaced parts on a bike - so I am not sure if there is some sort of standard for stems.  I don't plan to fold the stem on my mini step-thru.  I think the stem is a bit high at 45+ inches off the ground.  I am enjoying myself with the unright position right now.  But I am wondering if there are options for a shorter stem.


I have never come across a video or a post on someone who has changed the height of the stem.
I'm sitting here looking at my bike thinking that the stem height may not be able to be reduced due to the geometry of the bike.
Again I have never come across someone who has done this to the mini 4 so I'm not sure it can be done.

I have yet to take apart my headset so I'm unsure if it's an old school quill set or modern conventional headset.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk


Thank you for your input about the stem.  I will take a look later myself.  I got myself a micrometer many years ago, it is a surprisingly useful tool to measure bike parts exactly.  I'll take a look and share what I find.


not 100 percent the answer to your question, but reasonably close enough.

once upon a time, i biked significantly more than i have in the last 15 or so years. i can probably count on two hands the number of rides I've gone on in the last 15 years. i love riding a bike, i missed riding a bike, but time marched on anyway. and then i moved to a neighborhood with a LOT of hills about 5 years ago, went on one or two rides, and decided it sucked.

Flash forward, and I'm in a world where I want a different form of transportation aside from my car, and I want something that is exercise is well. I looked at electric scooters, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt it would be fun for a bit, but I'd lose interest. And then I started research e-bikes, and decided that was exactly what I needed.

I got my RadRover 6+ about 5 weeks ago. I've got about 200 miles since, slowly ramping my distance up and last week rode 50 miles. To describe it as life - changing is an understatement, and it has helped rekindle my love of biking.

I got it with the rear rack, bungeed a milk crate onto that rack, and viola, i can carry home groceries, although I'm not so sure I'd get eggs or anything in a glass bottle or jar.

Weather permitting on Friday, I'll commute the 15 or so miles to the office for the first time.

I love the fat tires because of the mountain bike feel and the feeling I can ride ANYWHERE if i want. I haven't sent her yet, but soon enough, I'm going to try some small launches to get airborne.

The way it handles on hills is amazing. I use PA between 3 and 5 depending on the grade of the hill and set it so I'm still working, but the bike is too. I rarely use the throttle on a hill, because PA and I make it got quicker. I've used the throttle a few times for fun and rest, but mostly, PA.

I ride most days of the week, even if it's just for 30 minutes in the neighborhood, hills and all!

TL; dr Get you an e-bike. If you used to love riding, it will rekindle that love - i promise. But get the bike you want, that suits your needs, that suits doing what you love to do, and what you want to do.

Water Doc

We have a Mini 4 and Mini ST plus the RR+.  I have the Mini 4   for RV trips and ride the RR+ daily about 18-20 miles per day with my wife pedaling along on her Mini ST.  I purchased the Mini 4 last fall because it was available to ship when ordered whereas my wife waited 2 months for the mini St.  I purchased the RR+ after having problems dismounting the Mini 4 (5'4 and age 77, just not nimble enough these days).  In any case all three bikes are very good to ride and the best comparison I can make is the Mini's are like riding sport cars and the RR+ is more like riding a Buick.  The Mini's have more torque and can easily make it up the very difficult hill we have on our ride - I have to downshift on the RR+ to make it up that nasty very steep hill.  Which ever model you purchase, - get the Step through.   The one thing I do prefer on the RR+ is the handlebars, I find them more adjustable.  I have ridden the Mini a tad over 1200 miles and so far have just under 400 miles on the RR+ since Jan 4 this year.     A word of warning you will need a better seat post and seat for both bikes.

Enjoy your new bike
RadMini4 and RR+


Quote from: Eric7 on February 15, 2022, 09:18:21 AM
Do you know if I can just buy a stem from Amazon and replace the stock folding stem?  It has been a while since I replaced parts on a bike - so I am not sure if there is some sort of standard for stems.  I don't plan to fold the stem on my mini step-thru.  I think the stem is a bit high at 45+ inches off the ground.  I am enjoying myself with the unright position right now.  But I am wondering if there are options for a shorter stem.

that's a good question, Eric7!  I actually have a similar question about the RadRunner+ because I would like to eventually someday replace the fork assembly it comes with using a shock set that actually extends to the top of the stem in such a way that there are plates at the top and bottom of the neck (head?) part of the bike frame. The reason for that is when I go to do my mods that I want to do, I'd like to be able to mount, a headlight, horn, and turn indicators on it, much like a motorcycle.



Quote from: Tree on February 15, 2022, 11:34:41 AM
TL; dr Get you an e-bike. If you used to love riding, it will rekindle that love - i promise. But get the bike you want, that suits your needs, that suits doing what you love to do, and what you want to do.

Thank you, Tree!  That's quite a nice way of putting it!



Quote from: Water Doc on February 16, 2022, 08:48:04 AM
A word of warning you will need a better seat post and seat for both bikes.

Enjoy your new bike

So I've heard, Thanks Water Doc! 


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