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General public perception of e-bikes

Started by Slowrider, April 08, 2022, 02:03:20 PM

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Quote from: Eric7 on April 09, 2022, 11:50:41 AM
Quote from: Slowrider on April 09, 2022, 11:01:09 AM
I've thought about buying another bell for my RadCity 5.  Hmmm I wonder if anyone makes something comical sounding just for when you're slowly coming up on pedestrians but don't want to startle them.  A bell unlike a horn is sort of neutral but if there was a funny noisemaker that would be more positive and get a more cheerful response.  Of course you could only use this for situations where you didn't need them to move out of the way really quickly.

Yea.  Sometimes I worry a bell or a horn may be rude, like "please get out of my way."  I thought about hanging a small bell - preferably a bell I can silence when there are no pedestrians. 

I feel I am nicer on an ebike than on a regular bike.  On a regular bike, I am not so strong and I have to share the path - especially going uphill.  On an ebike, when a family with a baby stroller and mini kids and a puppy are around, I can give them a wide berth, I can ride on the grassy part even going uphill.  I can be at least 20 feet away from them at all times and going SLOW.  There is no need for momentum to carry me through the grass going uphill.

If I'm on a trail/path/whatever with pedestrians, I just give a gentle "on your left" or something similar. And sometimes they don't hear me because they've got their music on 11, and I handle accordingly, which usually means veering off road a bit or slowing down to a point of where I'm right them and may have to raise my voice a bit.

I did order the Juiced horn, which I will use when I'm on the street, which, honestly, is more often than I'm on trails or paths.


Quote from: Tree on April 12, 2022, 05:29:57 PM
Quote from: JimInPT on April 12, 2022, 01:18:22 PM
Quote from: Rover on April 12, 2022, 12:44:47 PM"Face Diaper" was the first ignorant salvo.

My point was about people who are so fearful on a daily basis that they will wear their strap-on inside their car when driving alone - as can be easily observed daily in my small town.  Now how does that accomplish anything at all, other than just adhering to blind fear, and why is it "ignorant" to point out the uselessness of doing so?  Who's being "protected" and from what, exactly?

I will agree with you that this is veering off-topic, although related to the phenomena of many people now trained to be fearful as their first reaction to new experiences, including encountering e-bikes.

and my point is that you made an irrelevant, asinine statement. Your excuse that were making some sort of point is equally asinine.

If someone wants to wear a mask in their car, that's their business. They're not hurting anyone. I don't tell you to leave your cult, or stop being brainwashed, because that's your business, even if it may very well hurt other people.

Tree,  Please be nice, No need for admonishing good people, Allot of people here have Great info and knowledge.


Quote from: Tree on April 12, 2022, 05:29:57 PM
Quote from: JimInPT on April 12, 2022, 01:18:22 PM
Quote from: Rover on April 12, 2022, 12:44:47 PM"Face Diaper" was the first ignorant salvo.

My point was about people who are so fearful on a daily basis that they will wear their strap-on inside their car when driving alone - as can be easily observed daily in my small town.  Now how does that accomplish anything at all, other than just adhering to blind fear, and why is it "ignorant" to point out the uselessness of doing so?  Who's being "protected" and from what, exactly?

I will agree with you that this is veering off-topic, although related to the phenomena of many people now trained to be fearful as their first reaction to new experiences, including encountering e-bikes.

and my point is that you made an irrelevant, asinine statement. Your excuse that were making some sort of point is equally asinine.

If someone wants to wear a mask in their car, that's their business. They're not hurting anyone. I don't tell you to leave your cult, or stop being brainwashed, because that's your business, even if it may very well hurt other people.
Well said and called out.


I went ahead and registered for their website. For the question asking if I had concerns about e-bikes, I answered "Yes" because it gave me an opportunity to write a response saying that riders of both regular bikes and e-bikes should be more courteous. I also mentioned I get passed by regular bikes 90% of the time, and that my pace is more relaxed and casual because I know I can easily "get back home" without a sweat.

I've seen the odd behavior of people ignoring a regular bike almost hitting them at high speed, then reeling in terror when I ring my cute little bell and give a friendly "Coming up on your left!". It is hilarious, and comes across as an intentional overreaction of "He's got an e-bike! Everybody run for your lives!" as I pass them at... 8mph.


Quote from: santacruzpaul on April 12, 2022, 07:34:13 PM
Quote from: Tree on April 12, 2022, 05:29:57 PM
Quote from: JimInPT on April 12, 2022, 01:18:22 PM
Quote from: Rover on April 12, 2022, 12:44:47 PM"Face Diaper" was the first ignorant salvo.

My point was about people who are so fearful on a daily basis that they will wear their strap-on inside their car when driving alone - as can be easily observed daily in my small town.  Now how does that accomplish anything at all, other than just adhering to blind fear, and why is it "ignorant" to point out the uselessness of doing so?  Who's being "protected" and from what, exactly?

I will agree with you that this is veering off-topic, although related to the phenomena of many people now trained to be fearful as their first reaction to new experiences, including encountering e-bikes.

and my point is that you made an irrelevant, asinine statement. Your excuse that were making some sort of point is equally asinine.

If someone wants to wear a mask in their car, that's their business. They're not hurting anyone. I don't tell you to leave your cult, or stop being brainwashed, because that's your business, even if it may very well hurt other people.

Tree,  Please be nice, No need for admonishing good people, Allot of people here have Great info and knowledge.

and some people are armed with poor knowledge and asinine statements, and should be called out on it. this isn't a place for someone's politics and ill-conceived opinions.


Quote from: Tree on April 16, 2022, 07:50:47 AM
Quote from: santacruzpaul on April 12, 2022, 07:34:13 PM
Quote from: Tree on April 12, 2022, 05:29:57 PM
Quote from: JimInPT on April 12, 2022, 01:18:22 PM
Quote from: Rover on April 12, 2022, 12:44:47 PM"Face Diaper" was the first ignorant salvo.

My point was about people who are so fearful on a daily basis that they will wear their strap-on inside their car when driving alone - as can be easily observed daily in my small town.  Now how does that accomplish anything at all, other than just adhering to blind fear, and why is it "ignorant" to point out the uselessness of doing so?  Who's being "protected" and from what, exactly?

I will agree with you that this is veering off-topic, although related to the phenomena of many people now trained to be fearful as their first reaction to new experiences, including encountering e-bikes.

and my point is that you made an irrelevant, asinine statement. Your excuse that were making some sort of point is equally asinine.

If someone wants to wear a mask in their car, that's their business. They're not hurting anyone. I don't tell you to leave your cult, or stop being brainwashed, because that's your business, even if it may very well hurt other people.

Tree,  Please be nice, No need for admonishing good people, Allot of people here have Great info and knowledge.

and some people are armed with poor knowledge and asinine statements, and should be called out on it. this isn't a place for someone's politics and ill-conceived opinions.


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