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Started by pkmarino, August 01, 2020, 03:32:38 PM

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Anyone solved an Error 25 problem?    I went through the recommended Error 25 procedures - no luck.  Multiple times.    Less than 300 miles on bike.    Waiting on RAD to get back to me.     Bike will not run unless I disconnect the rear brake light or turn lights on.  Otherwise will not run.   I have checked all connections.


I've only ever received Error 25 when I turned on the bike while the brakes were compressed. You're not touching the brakes when turning it on, correct? Do the brakes seem to function normally with the bike off? Perhaps they are stuck.

Arthur Brossard

Hi everybody! I got the same problem, error 25, the bike got three weeks, I've disconnected all the right/left brake levers, and the lights, turn it off and on: still not working, any solutions? Regards. Arthur


Just for giggles, try disconnecting the peddal assist sensor and then turning on the bike.  I'd also try without the 2 brake lever sensors connected, as Ryan seems to think brakes are involved!  Good luck, the more info you can give to rad, the better the chance they ship the right parts!

Robert Mustaro

I have a new Rad Rover 5. Same exact problem. Error 25 when turning bike on. If I turn headlights/brake lights on, error goes away. If I disconnect brake light, error goes away.


we ran into the error 25 issue when my friend took his radrunner out for it's maiden ride. construction truck pulled out in front of him. he had to brake hard to avoid a collision. the error 25 displayed immediately after the hard braking. we went through rad's suggested troubleshooting steps and the issue was resolved...and has not been seen since.


2nd ride and only 3 miles on my Rover5. I tried all the recommended fixes and still have error 25.


When I spoke to Rad, they said error 25 is pretty generic.  I think he said it was a general communication error.  I would try turning on the bike with only necessary connections connected and see if it resolves.  Disconnect the 2 brake lever sensors, headlight, brake light, PAS sensor  then turn the bike on.  If it still errors you may have a controller issue, if it doesn't, try adding things back one at a time.  If you can tell them the issue, your issue will be resolved quicker.  They were going to send a second new controller when I found that if i boot without the PAS then the bike would not error out. 


the rad site

sais brake switch fault.

check the connections sometimes the connectors can come loose.

with bike up on stand keeping the wheel off the ground so it can spin freely you can disconnect the brake switch and if it works and the wheel spins then it is a faulty switch.


Same here:  I got sent a new Taillight - It didn't resolve the issue. I get Error Code 25. No display except Error 25. Turn on lights - it turns on Display & PAS & Throttle work. Turn off lights - No PAS or Throttle. Brand New Bike - straight out of the box like this. Only 15 Miles. I have gone through all the electrical checklists - no luck. Hope someone can get this resolved - very frustrating. Have sent RadPower another email for more resolution on this.


I have the same problem, bike 2020 1 week old. Waiting to hear back from Rad.  Tony.


pkmarino.  You posted this in August I believe.  Have Rad sorted this problem ?   It's now November. 


Rad sent me a new rear light. No fix.   Now sending me a new controller.


Got the new controller today. Fitted it and all seems to be ok. Give it a ride tomorrow   


Quote from: Tony on November 25, 2020, 04:08:23 PM
Got the new controller today. Fitted it and all seems to be ok. Give it a ride tomorrow
Thanks for the info how it was fixed. I suppose one can order a new controller from the RPB, but does anyone knows what the price is in case the bike is not under warranty anymore? Or perhaps it would be better changing both the display and controller at the same time to something better...

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