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Chain slipping while pedaling hard

Started by brandt, January 26, 2021, 12:05:32 PM

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So much easier to just adjust the tension on the derailleur. That will fix it.


I was pondering this issue again.  It makes sense ( :o oops, oh no not logic!  :o) that any "chain setup" as long as the RPW4 has, is usually designed with a tray, or tension idler.  I have a background in farm equipment.  That's how those applications have been designed for ~100+ years!  Farther back on Steam Powered Equipment.
I'm an RW4 owner. I'm not using any of these ancient forums. (ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM). Instead look for @joelhuebner, joel.huebner,, joel52334.
That's where you will find me.
This forum uses UTC time. GMT-0.  I'm at GMT-5 CDT.

Brendan Perry

I just resolved the chain skipping issue on a brand new Radrunner single speed, thanks to MBTs post.  Removing one chain link and grinding the aluminum tensioner tab down some provided more engagement between the chain and freewheel.  My tensioner arm is now rotated counterclockwise about as close to the frame as it can get.


Same thing happening with my new radrunner single speed.  I'd rather not grind anything on my brand new bike. Anyone know the best way to fix this? Remove links in the chain?


Hi all, new owner here with a chain skip. Having been a BMX and mountain bike racer in my youth I am very familiar with chain skip. Because Rad uses verticle rear dropouts you are unable to adjust chain tension. Hence, the separate chain tensioner. Because using a tensioner reduces the chain wrap around the rear cog you are in contact with fewer teeth which allows the chain to pop off at high torque levels. The freewheel that Rad uses is pretty poor quality and the teeth are not finely machined.
They have told me to fix the prob by removing 2 links from the chain but that is a bandaid fix. If the shorter chain solves the prob then why is that not done from the factory?
What it really needs is a high quality freewheel. They have told me that swapping the freewheel would limit warranty coverage for those parts, but I will just keep the old one handy.
This is a bit disconcerting because I bought a Rad bike based on the word of mouth reputation of eing well built. I guess an extra buck must be worth risking their reputation.


1. Started with the help line. She had several potential fixes but never did send the mobile support van out to my home. Given it was a brand new bike that had been pro assembled by RAD you would have thought that would be the least they could do. Eventually suggested I contact the IB service center where I purchased the bike.
2. John at the service center was quit patient. They kept the bike for a day. When I got it home it still jumped a little but not like before. 
3. Yesterday we took it up several very steep hills where I had to get up on the peddles to make it to the top. No more jump  :)

All's well that ends well, thank you RAD


Rad was going to send me new tensioner, but also suggested the link removal, which I tried first. Simply having my bike mechanic remove one link-pair from the chain completely fixed the problem for me. Took about five minutes in the shop.


I Had the same problem..  tried a quick fix myself and realized I did not have the right knowledge to adjust derailleur.  I paid a local bike shop $20 for 15 min job and have had no problems for the last 550 miles.


I purchased two of the Rad Runners for Xmas and both had the chain hop problem.  Rad sent me two new tensioners that have a slight different design to them.  First the spring tension using a small scale on the old ones measured about 1.5 lbs of tension where as the new ones read about 4 lbs of tension, much strong tension on the chain.
Second the mounting bolt is fixed and causes the angle of the tensioner to be at a different angle (more forward away from rear cog) causing the chain to be further around the rear cog and at a stronger tension and just like magic the chain skipping problem is solved.

Radding Along

Yup, Rad came out with a replacement part to fix the issue. It should be covered under warranty.


I just contacted them with the same issue. They're sending a replacement tensioner under warranty.


Bicycle chains falling off while cycling can be due to a number of reasons. A dirty chain may become clogged, leading to losing its grip on the cassette. When this happens, it may lead to the chain slipping on bike. Worn-out gears can also lead to a situation where the chain keeps coming off bike. This type of wear occurs from long periods of use due to the frequent movement of the chain, especially during shifting,  the only solution is to have the cassette replaced.


Grinding/slipping are alignment issues.  I had to do an "on the road" adjustment when I couldn't get into 1st gear. 1/4 turn on the bottom end adjuster & I was set.  There are a nice set of RPB instruction documents on shifting adjustment.  Look in their documents section.

Now, you've been banging that chain.  It is not in-destructible!!!  Check for bent, clawed, rough links...that is one thing that's a warranty item.  Don't let them charge you for a new one!!!
Sorry I haven't used ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM for over 15 years.  Neither should you.  Search my name on FB, YT, TW, & those others.  I've been online since 1992. Most of that time as a Systems & Network Engineer.


Mine was doing it the first week but I haven't noticed it lately. I'll need to keep an eye on it. Seems like chain tensioner may be the solution


If your chain slips on the bike more frequently, your chain might be too loose/long or there may be a damaged link somewhere. You can fix a slipped bike chain if you shorten your chain to fit your gear or remove the damaged part.

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