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Started by Muskie1, September 24, 2022, 02:52:54 PM

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 So I lead a pretty simple life, a little over a year ago I found out driving was not going well.
I sold my cars and motorcycle.  Checking  my blind spot almost made me pass out.
  I found I could still skateboard and ride my bike.
Zoom ahead 1 year, I bought my Rad. Freedom came with my injury no riding.
The boredom is killing me. I can walk slow. I had to walk about 2 miles to get food today.
Everyone I helped for yea6is too busy now. I will be able to lift my leg again  , when the calls come in for help , not me.
Sorry to vent, just so bored.


If you could use some help shopping or getting to appointments etc. while you're healing up to ride your Rad again, check with local Elks, Rotary or other service groups, or churches - you may very well find a volunteer ride-service available to you.  In my tiny rural town we have at least two of those; I used one of them once a few years ago when I needed a ride for cataract surgery and my buddies weren't available on that day/time - the docs will not let you drive yourself home afterward.

Got a ride from a nice lady and brought her some homemade oatmeal cookies, so it was a pretty good trade.

I get bored very easily because my brain won't let me just sit and stare unless I'm at a park or beach to intentionally get away from the world for a bit - so I always have a Kindle with me just in case I get sidelined somewhere. 

Good luck!
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


A little different, but.....Mom always told me, "There will be times in your life when you just can't help yourself.  When that happens, go help somebody else."

It was good advice.  After my latest stroke I was barely getting around, etc.  Now I play music with volunteer groups that entertain for free in senior living places, and such.  I know people who get rides with folks helping such situations, even just to have another soul to sit at a table and play some cards with little old ladies.  The stories you hear can sure brighten a day.

You might find some chances to be a "helper" and have rides available from like-minded folks.  It grows your circle and makes life more interesting (even with some new forms of "aggravation" but with folks worse off than we are!)


 I help , my career went from selling cars to be able to help
  N9 big deal when  I can't  get any.


i don't know where you are or your particular situation, but these days you can get most groceries delivered.

there's a charge to that, but it's a helluva lot easier than 2 miles each way, half of that lugging groceries.


Quote from: Tree on September 25, 2022, 04:38:28 PM
i don't know where you are or your particular situation, but these days you can get most groceries delivered.

there's a charge to that, but it's a helluva lot easier than 2 miles each way, half of that lugging groceries.

That's what my brother did. We used to take him shopping all the time, but then he started using Instacart and other services. 

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