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Erractic motor behavior

Started by Bastien, September 22, 2024, 12:48:42 PM

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I've been using an RW4 daily for two years now, mainly for taking my kids to school and back. The mileage is fairly low, as I've just hit 2500 km.

The other day, the PAS (Pedal Assist System) stopped working suddenly in the middle of the road, at around 20 km/h. I stopped and suspected that one of the kids might have stepped on the power cable. After a quick check, it started working again. However, in the afternoon, neither the throttle nor the PAS would work at all. I gathered my energy and went to the school without PAS... then it suddenly started working again, only to stop shortly after.

I ran several tests: I checked the entire cable system, opened the controller to look for any damage, and disconnected the electronics from the brakes (as I read this could sometimes stop the motor), but nothing changed.

Occasionally, the throttle works, but with just enough power to make the wheel spin while on the stand, not when it's on the ground. Then it doesn't move the wheel at all, before working like a charm after powering off and on... then sotp working again. While trying out the bike, out of nowhere, the PAS starts working again, but with a horrible friction sound coming from the motor, which stops after a few seconds. Then the PAS cuts out again, and it sometimes comes back after a few minutes. It's really strange.

I have no idea what could be causing this issue. If the motor were faulty, it shouldn't turn on at all. If it were a power issue, I wouldn't expect it to work in a low-power mode from time to time nor come back on to normal intermittently.

I'm really unsure of what to do next. Do you think the motor magnet could be out of place? Or could the motor be damaged from operating near maximum load capacity? (I weigh 75 kg, and my kids weigh 40 kg and 30 kg.)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


You said you had 2500km. Have you done any maintenance like readjusting the brake lever. Over time they would loosen up.

I've had similar issues you've described and it turned out to as simple as tightening the brake lever.

It is the cheapest troubleshooting you could do. :-)

Literally is LITERALLY the most annoying word of the decade.


could be moisture inside the motor.  are you riding while it is raining or wet outside? 
magnets may have rusted and expanded creating a unstable connection.


Hi! Thanks for the replies.

Yes, I did some maintenance and changed the brake pads about 500 km ago.
As part of my debugging intents, I disconnected the electronic input from the brakes to avoid any interference, but it didn't help. I'll try tightening them up a little. :-)

As for moisture, anything is possible, but I live in a really hot and dry climate (southern Spain), and the bike is kept in a garage. If tightening the brakes doesn't work, I'll probably open the motor case and see if I can do something there.



I have kinda the same problem with my radmission 1. PAS typically dies (controller and lights still work) when I go for a while and then brakes. Then after 1-2 minutes and sometimes faster / longer, it starts to work again...


I cut off the stripes holding the engine cable - disconnected the engine cable (closest to the wheel) - connected back again and now it has run without stop for 3 days... Yesterday, I experienced the engine kind of 'jerking' – as if it dies for half a second and then starts again. This happened while driving at 30 km/h..

The engine has been through three hard winters with a lot of snow etc. Can it be the engine that is coming to an end of its life?? Can you change the engine cable or do some magic to it?

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